Monday, August 10, 2009

August 09 Previews

New Ape Entertainment product is now available for order in the August 2009 PREVIEWS catalog!

Black Coat: Or Give Me Death 1 & 2 Double Sized - The Black Coat is back and more unstoppable than ever as Or Give Me Death re-launches with an amazing two-issue, 48-page book (in color!) for only $4.50! April, 1775. The two greatest mysteries in New York City are: 'Who is the masked super-spy known as The Black Coat?' and 'Is he dead or alive?' Written by Ben Lichius and featuring art by Francesco Francavilla (issue 1) and Dean Kotz (issue 2), it's time to get ready for all the swashbuckling, monster-smashing, death-defying cloak and daggering you can handle! Chuck Dixon calls this '... an awesome book. ... my kind of comics!

Sullengrey Sacrifice 2 (of 2) - Free Undead girl scouts! Tentacled monsters! Power-hungry occultists! Rivers of gore! The conclusion of this unsettling tale finds Mr. Gryme defending the mausoleum from a growing horde of zombies - but there's something even more sinister rising from beneath the town. These 64 terrifying pages will make you ask, "What are you afraid of?"

Give your local comic shoppe this handy order code to make their lives easy!

Black Coat: Or Give Me Death 1 & 2 AUG09 0631
Sullengrey Sacrifice #2 AUG09 0632

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